среда, 20 декабря 2017 г.

I Am Roses *Merry & Bright* Blog Hop!/ Блог-хоп *Marry & Bright* в блоге производителя цветов I Am Roses!

Hello, друзья!
Цветочков определенно много не бывает! Эту теорию я уже давно подтвердила на практике, постепенно наблюдая за уменьшающимися стопочками розочек, лилий, ромашек и гортензий...
И, заметив новогодний блог-хоп от чудесной фирмы I'm Roses, не смогла устоять!

WELCOME to the I Am Roses "Merry & Bright" Blog Hop!
Hello everyone and happy December! There will be no IAR Challenge this month but we have a fabulous blog hop for you. We'd like to THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for all your support this year! There will be THREE Prizes up for grabs!

(2x) $50 Voucher
GRAND PRIZE $100 Voucher

Are you ready to win some beautiful I Am Roses flowers?

Here’s how to play:

  • Hop along to each of the Designers’ blogs and be sure to comment on their individual "IAR Merry & Bright” Blog Post
  • There are 3 HIDDEN BLOG CANDY PRIZES up for grabs spread throughout our  Designers’ blogs!
  • Be sure to Subscribe/Follow the I Am Roses Challenge Blog
  • Commenting along the way highly increases your chance of winning a Prize Voucher.
  • Comments will be CLOSED on 11:59pm PST on Saturday December 23rd (This blog hop has a duration of one week)
  • We will be randomly selecting 3 winners from the comments made on our DT's blogs and will announce the winners here on the I Am Roses Challenge Blog on January 1st!

Let's get this hop started!

Here is the line up of the I Am Roses Design Team:

Let's get this party started and enjoy the hop! Don't forget to comment!

Удачи всем участникам блог-хопа!

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